The majestic hanging coffins of the Philippines
The Majestic Hanging Coffins of the Philippines The Igorots are an indigenous tribe living in Sagada, Luzon Island, Philippines. The Igorots practice unique funeral preparation customs unlike today’s traditional ways, or even ancient ways for that matter, in which the dead are buried in coffins that are then tied or nailed to the side of […]
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Funeral homes in the 1800’s
In the 19th century, there were no funeral homes, and most undertakers made furniture or cabinets. they expanded their lines to include caskets and wooden coffins. Then these entrepreneurs offered to “undertake” services for the grieving families, hence the term Undertaker. They would place the body in a casket, dig the grave, and refill it […]
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The final farewell: Plan your own funeral
The final farewell: Plan your own funeral “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely […]
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Funeral Homes Are About More Than Passing
Funeral Homes Are About More Than Passing Each of us is born with a uniqueness which allows us to live our lives as individuals. In the end however, we all meet in the great unknown. Burial services along with funeral homes offer comfort to the living as they pay their final respects. They also provide us a place to celebrate […]
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Green Funerals in Columbia
Green Funerals in Columbia Missouri might not be the first place you think of when going green, but many cities including Columbia have changed that. The amount of effort that the city and local businesses have put in creating green alternatives to products and services is impressive. It should not come as a surprise that […]
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