Flameless Cremation: A Greener & Gentler Option
Flameless Cremation: A Greener & Gentler Option A death in the family is a traumatic and confusing time. Navigating the process all the way to the end of a funeral can place a lot of stress on one’s shoulders, including funeral home fees, the type of burial, details of the casket, etc. Sometimes circumstances do […]
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Burial cremations have gotten even more eco-friendly
Burial cremations have gotten even more eco-friendly Sooner or later the discussion of what our burial wishes are after we pass comes up. It might happen with family or friends, but the conversation is always inevitable. It is a good thing that the options that people have for burial are ever increasing. As technology changes so has […]
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Funeral traditions in South Africa
Funeral traditions in South Africa A funeral is not just an event to remember those we’ve lost, but for many around the globe, it is an opportunity to reflect. All cultures have their own unique relationship to death and mourning. Some of the most unique views on death and spirituality can be found when we […]
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Cremation Jewelry- is it the right fit for you?
Cremation Jewelry- is it the right fit for you? Cremation cost has made it more popular in recent years. Then came the trend of cremation jewelry, which is a remarkable way to memorialize a loved one. What is this jewelry exactly? It might sound odd, but it can come in the form of pendants, rings, […]
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Funeral Home and Service: What Should You Wear?
Funeral Home and Service: What Should You Wear? Many details are important for a funeral home to conduct a funeral service. You want to make sure you have completed any obituaries, scheduled services, paid the fees to the funeral home, filled out all forms, and depending on how close you are to the individual, […]
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