4 Myths about cremation you should know

Posted on July 28, 2017 by MayFuneral under Uncategorized
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4 Myths about cremation you should know


There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about cremation. The details of how you or a loved one want to be memorialized is a big deal. The right thing for any of us to do is to understand what cremation is all about. A great place to start is to dispel some of the rumors.


1.) They aren’t really ashes

Although they are commonly referred to as ashes, they technically aren’t ashes. The appropriate terminology is “cremated remains” and for good reason. After the cremation process, what’s left over is actually bone matter that has been ground into a fine powder like substance. During the actual cremation process, everything other than the skeletal structure is incinerated.


2.) Cremation is not eco friendly

A common myth that many people buy into is that cremation is better for the environment. That belief couldn’t be further from the truth. Cremation can have benefits to the overall environment in some ways, however not during the initial process of cremation. The process itself is incredibly bad for the environment. The places where it does help the environment include saving land space, although an argument could be made as to how a burial would be better for the earth. The place where we do see cremation being helpful to the environment is when it comes to the embalming process as well as the materials from the coffin that go into the earth.


3.) You don’t necessarily save money through a cremation

Many people assume that you will save money through a cremation, however this isn’t entirely true. Average costs could be less expensive in many cases, however there are cases where a burial could also be less expensive. A green funeral for example could be far more cost effective than a cremation. The most expensive costs associated with burials include the casket, headstone, gravesite and embalming. All these things minus the gravesite and the choice of headstone could significantly reduce costs. The choice of casket in particular could make a world of difference in the price. Your choice of memorial service will also greatly impact the overall end price. On the other hand, the way a cremation can start to become expensive is not only through the process itself, but the vessel that’s chosen for the remains. Everything is relative to what every individual wants or needs.


4.) The ashes will not be mixed up with someone else’s

It is a common joke among certain circles that one set of remains can be confused and mixed up with another. This concept needless to say, is not in the realm of possibilities. Funeral homes are usually required to operate under the regulations of the ICCFA (International cemetery, cremation and funeral association). Many of those guidelines make sure that no more than one set of human remains are allowed in the chamber unless by special request. The protocols involved with handling remains are very specific in how to maintain the identity of the deceased at all times.


May & Son funeral home has helped families and loved ones through the grieving process for more than a century. We have locations in Columbia, Boonville, Sedalia and serve the Fayette Missouri area. To find out about how to plan ahead, contact us today.


The funeral business that became H.T. May & Son was founded in Boonville in 1911 by Riley Martin; great-great uncle of Tom May. Following the death of Riley Martin, his nephew; Holwell J. May took over the reins of the business and continued to operate it until his death in 1974. After the death of Holwell, his son H.T. May began to run the business. When H.T. died in 2005, son Thomas E. May began to run the business and is now the fourth generation to operate May Funeral Homes. The newest location, in Columbia, opened in April 2009. Thomas, was married in November 19 of 2011 to Pastor Jennifer Baker. Jennifer is a pre-need specialist for the business and currently pursing her funeral directors license. Thomas also has two sisters; Kathryn May who is a licensed funeral director and Melodia Whitmore. Thomas has three children; Holwell J. May II, who graduated from KCKCC with his Mortuary Science Degree, and is now a licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer, Brittany N. May, and Jeremiah Baker. May and staff are are dedicated to serving families from all ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs in a personalized manner, with knowledgeable, caring, and professional staff.

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